The primary aim of any business is to ensure that it generates sufficient profits to not only provide an acceptable return on its shareholders’ investments but also to allow it to expand and grow. Although this is the primary aim, it should not be at the detriment to any principles involving affecting society, local communities, the environment and any sacrifice of moral, legal or ethical duties.
We strive for more than the Pursuit of Profit
The Directors of TP Transcription Limited are very aware that their responsibilities run much further than the pursuit of profit. The company is part of a larger community made up of its employees, suppliers and customers, not forgetting its neighbours, and it must do all it can to ensure the impact the business has on all of these stakeholders is positive.
Our Ethical and Moral Responsibilities
TP Transcription Limited is committed to a health and safety programme to make the working environment one that is safe and pleasant for everyone. It operates an ISO14001 accredited environmental management system which seeks to reduce our energy usage, reduce waste and continuously improve our procedures to lessen the effect that our presence has on the environment. We operate a “Giving Back” policy by donating 10% of our net profits to the Ten Percent Foundation every year. We maintain a bribery policy, we abhor Modern Slavery in all its forms and actively assess our supply chain, we pay all our suppliers within 30 days, we operate ethical working policies and have made the Scottish Business Pledge (a Scottish government initiative) which confirms our commitment to the real Living Wage, we tackle the gender pay gap, we do not use zero hours contracts, we engage with our workforce, we are committed to innovation and we have internationalised our business. We are an accredited Living Wage employer.
To find out more about how TP Transcription Limited meets its responsibilities click on the links below: