Recording Qualitative Research Interviews – what is the best method? Parts 1 and 2
Best practice for qualitative research recording in NHS and universities from TP Transcription and University Transcriptions.
Best practice for qualitative research recording in NHS and universities from TP Transcription and University Transcriptions.
The easiest way of getting an automated transcription from Zoom or Teams corrected is to send the Zoom or Teams file directly to a transcription company. The automated standard is not good enough.
We come across all sorts of background noise on a daily basis with our work including cockerels! It is one of the reasons TP Transcription is the premier UK academic and business transcribing company with over 20 years experience.
Recording phone calls using an Android phone. A guide for researchers looking to record telephone interviews from TP Transcription Limited.
TP Transcription article – for improving the quality of the audio recording for Microsoft Teams and Zoom meetings. Switch off your video.
How can you effectively record audio files made during telephone calls on your iPhone? four solutions to recording using an iPhone.
Guide to conducting face to face interviews effectively but safely during the Coronavirus crisis. TP Transcription Limited.
Microsoft Teams – you may be better using NCH Debut or a similar piece of software to record your meeting on Teams if you use it, or consider using Zoom. GDPR and consent issues..
Guide to Using an Android Device to Record Audio including Research Interviews and Focus Groups by TP Transcription Limited.
How to download YouTube videos and convert them to audio files for transcription – a guide by University Transcriptions, specialist academic transcription company and preferred supplier to a large number of universities around the world.