The difference between anonymisation, de-identification and pseudonymisation

The difference between anonymisation, de-identification and pseudonymisation

University Transcriptions are transcription suppliers to a large number of universities in the UK, Ireland and around the world. This article is about the difference between anonymising, applying de-identification techniques or pseudonymisation to research interviews, focus groups, patient notes or other free-text data containing personal information. 

What is the difference between anonymisation, de-identification and pseudonymisation? Anonymisation is the complete removal of all references to certain types of personal data so as not to identify the data subject. De-identification is the removal of any identifying features and the replacement with code. Pseudonymisation is the replacement of personal data with code that can be cross checked at any point. Only Anonymisation is GDPR friendly and this tends to be the most popular way of applying anonymity to research interview transcripts.

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