Sally Andrews

Associate Transcriber, Quality Control

Associate Transcriber with over 20 years experience as a legal secretary.

About Me: I have 20+ years as a legal secretary working for various city centre and local firms plus I have had a couple of occasions of temping for a variety of roles, in various departments and even some in medical typing! Currently working from home as it fits in with family life much better.

Qualifications: 6 high school standard grades (GCSE equivalent) and many, many qualifications from the university of life.

Transcription Specialisms: I have many years experience in the legal sector in various different fields, from personal injury, conveyancing, family law and Wills and Probate to name just a few. I have also temped in the medical sector and can learn very quickly. I can understand most accents as long as they are spoken clearly, and am particularly good with Scottish accents having grown up in Scotland.

Location: Manchester